سباق الحروف
letter race
An entertaining and useful competitive game suitable for all ages and generations;
Combining suspense, education and learning with entertainment
Players gain linguistic and cognitive scores; Through the race for letters and words;
Which contributes to the development of communication skills and speed of intuition;
The general information of the contestants is tested in an interesting, fun and multi-level manner
To highlight the distinct elements among the competitors; And stimulate the spirit of research and knowledge
The competition is available in Arabic and soon to be launched in English;
Her questions cover all aspects of general knowledge and culture
Such as history, literature, science, geography, characters, places, birds, animals, etc
The game includes thousands of questions; It continues to expand and add more
What's new
تحسينات عامة
أصلاح مشكلة عدم الدخول الى اللعبة