101 Okey hakkarim.net
We are here with the mobile version of 17 games (101-Okey-Domino-Aznif-Batak-Okşin-Kelimatik etc.) available on the www.hakkarim.net game portal.
With the mobile version of our game platform, which has millions of members, we aimed to create the same environment as the desktop version.
Our company is the first company to digitize hundreds of games in our country and in the world. It also has games that you cannot find on other platforms such as Okşin, Aznif, Yanık.
This update may not work on devices lower than Android 8.1. Our users using Android 5-6-7-8 can enter our hakkarim.net site on their phones and manually download the apk file to their phones.
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2025 güncellemesi
*Telefon geldiğinde ya da oyun arka planda kaldığında bağlantı kesilmemesi için gerekli ayar bağlantı penceresine eklendi. Bu ayarı tıklayarak pil optimizasyonunu kapatırsanız uygulama arka plana düştüğünde android sistemi bağlantınızı kesmez.