ANWB Streetwise
In this free traffic game from ANWB Streetwise you play various traffic missions through mini-games and you can make your virtual neighborhood safe again. Fight the street wackos by giving the right answers, discover them in the special Augmented Reality mission and play practical bonus missions in your own neighborhood together with your parents.
Test your traffic knowledge with topics such as distraction, dangerous traffic situations, cycling skills and traffic rules. As a parent you get access to extra tips & tricks by registering and you have all the tools at your disposal to help your child with road safety.
What's new
In deze gratis verkeersgame van ANWB Streetwise speel je via mini-games verschillende verkeersmissies en kun je jouw virtuele buurt weer veilig maken. Ga de strijd aan tegen de straatwacko’s door de goede antwoorden te geven, ontdek ze in de speciale Augmented Reality missie èn speel samen met je ouders praktische bonusmissies in je eigen buurt.